Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Taipei - Part 3
Still not recovered... Feeling drowsy... Side effect of medication... Haha... typing very slowly now cos have alot of typos! :)
Hmm... my 3rd installment of my Taipei trip... Let me stick to aquatic stuff first... On my way to the night markets and the areas of sight seeing, the cabs and buses pass by several LFS there. Looks impressive from the shop front. No chance to stop and step inside. Maybe I can do that during my next trip there. But my family and friends will say I am 'siao' one. Keke...
So, I did not managed to see the real local LFS, but I get to see an 'aquatic outlet' at a shopping center. Yup, there is a counter inside one big shopping center in Taipei (The Shin Kong Mitsukoshi opposite Taipei Main Train Station) selling live fish, plants, tanks and accessories as well as fish food! Now, I had never seen live ornamental fish being sold inside a superstore... So I find it very interesting...
The aquatic layouts were apparently being done by the salegirls and from their conversations with their customers, they sell the whole setup, plants and fish inclusive. I am impressed with these salegirls! Keke... Didn't bother to ask the price... I'd rather set up my own tanks...! Haha... why should I buy a tank from Taiwan and then fly it back here??
One thing I dun like is their emphasis on the new technology that will allow them to 'never' change the tank water. 'Just top up', that's what they say... Oh well, they might be right... But I'll always do water changes, always notice the plants and fish do better after that...
Oh, they have GM zebra danios on sale... These creatures are banned here... But dun think we will eat them or they will grow to become monsters if let loose...
Ok, pictures... Next time, tanks at train stations, near-aquatic critters and fake aquatic creatures... :)

Hmm... my 3rd installment of my Taipei trip... Let me stick to aquatic stuff first... On my way to the night markets and the areas of sight seeing, the cabs and buses pass by several LFS there. Looks impressive from the shop front. No chance to stop and step inside. Maybe I can do that during my next trip there. But my family and friends will say I am 'siao' one. Keke...
So, I did not managed to see the real local LFS, but I get to see an 'aquatic outlet' at a shopping center. Yup, there is a counter inside one big shopping center in Taipei (The Shin Kong Mitsukoshi opposite Taipei Main Train Station) selling live fish, plants, tanks and accessories as well as fish food! Now, I had never seen live ornamental fish being sold inside a superstore... So I find it very interesting...
The aquatic layouts were apparently being done by the salegirls and from their conversations with their customers, they sell the whole setup, plants and fish inclusive. I am impressed with these salegirls! Keke... Didn't bother to ask the price... I'd rather set up my own tanks...! Haha... why should I buy a tank from Taiwan and then fly it back here??
One thing I dun like is their emphasis on the new technology that will allow them to 'never' change the tank water. 'Just top up', that's what they say... Oh well, they might be right... But I'll always do water changes, always notice the plants and fish do better after that...
Oh, they have GM zebra danios on sale... These creatures are banned here... But dun think we will eat them or they will grow to become monsters if let loose...
Ok, pictures... Next time, tanks at train stations, near-aquatic critters and fake aquatic creatures... :)