Thursday, June 22, 2006


Some stuff I missed out...

Was reading my blog to see if anything needs to be edited... Realised I never posted the picture the guys helped me take for the ADA competition 2006...

Here it goes...

Realm of the Fairies... Nice? :p

Anyway, I re-scaped it... Ok, not much of a re-scape... I just added CO2 and A LOT of plants... And shifted some plants around... :p

Here is how it looks like 2 weeks ago...

The plants are growing very well and fast! The moss is going to take over the tank... The T5HO is causing the glosso to grow real low, which is good... :) And it is also making the Hygrophila difformis to spread itself out at the bottom, creating an unexpected nice effect... :)

Oh, And I FINALLY get my APP to grow nicely! Yay...


Shall I rename the tank? LOL...

Oh, a gal friend just commented on why she keep hearing complain that I always do not have money to spend... She syas I spend too much on fish... And that is solely based on what she ha read here... Imagine what she will think when I now revealed that Bukit Noid Baru (BNB) cost more about $150 to create... And how much did I spend on the Realms of the Fairies? Better not know! LOL... (Psst... The CO2 system (split between this and BNB) set me back close to $300 liao...)

Now I need to gather the stuff I am no longer using and try to arrange for a garage sale!... Trying to recover some costs! LOL...

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