Monday, April 23, 2007
Fire fire...
A unit 1 floor below my flat caught fire and the black smoke made my corridor so very the black now...
The inside of my flat was covered with black dust everywhere... And I had to keep mopping the floor...
Luckily, most of my plants are not tall enough to be affected... Only the chilli plant kena... But the plants still looks ok... Maybe it will go into a shock phase soon... Sigh...
The inside of my flat was covered with black dust everywhere... And I had to keep mopping the floor...
Luckily, most of my plants are not tall enough to be affected... Only the chilli plant kena... But the plants still looks ok... Maybe it will go into a shock phase soon... Sigh...
Monday, April 09, 2007
Interesting blog...
About little people...
Now I would want a few of these for my terrariums... Heh heh...
Now I would want a few of these for my terrariums... Heh heh...
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Accident again...
Ya... Second time... But this time I was the car in front... Some car bumped into me when I was moving off after being forced to jam break on the PIE... Car kena some scratch and paint cracks... Will have to check the price and report to the person who bumped into my car... *Sian*...
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Water Bears
All thanks to me back reading one of the blogs I read daily now... :p
The Duck was mentioning the water bear in one of his earlier blog entries. If you had seen the video, you will fall in love with the microscopic fauna... :p
So cuuutttttteeeeee..... :p
See for more information on the water bear. I think it is not so good to post pictures directly from the web. :p So, click to see the water bear! :)
Ok... I admit, I have nothing better to blog... Haha... But this is good information... Since when you know there is such a creature known as the water bear? :p Unless you study them in the first place lah... *duh*... :p
I will post the SBG pictures later. :)
The Duck was mentioning the water bear in one of his earlier blog entries. If you had seen the video, you will fall in love with the microscopic fauna... :p
So cuuutttttteeeeee..... :p
See for more information on the water bear. I think it is not so good to post pictures directly from the web. :p So, click to see the water bear! :)
Ok... I admit, I have nothing better to blog... Haha... But this is good information... Since when you know there is such a creature known as the water bear? :p Unless you study them in the first place lah... *duh*... :p
I will post the SBG pictures later. :)
Tour of 'Rural' Singapore...Part 3 (Final)
A continuation from here
Lady's fingers
Longan flowers developing into fruits (the developed fruits were too high up...)
There were other stuff too, of course...

By now, we were quite exhausted... And HOT!! The sun was working that day and so we decided to wrap up the day by going to the Thomson nurseries... We managed to get some stuff for CNY there (We were there in early Feb). :)

As we leave the dragonfruit farm, it was WAY past lunch time liao and we still had not had lunch... So, we stopped over at Bollywood Veggies and had lunch there...
We had some unique dishes such as papaya chicken, aloe vera tofu, banana curry, fried mani leave with eggs... Then we had a tour of Ms Singh's BIG plot of farmland... What I liked about visiting her place is the fact that you can see a lot of stuff you can hardly see in Singapore...
These are a few examples...

Others include padi, gingers, lemongrass, lime, jasmine, dill, pandan, cocoa, coffee, jambu, guava, various species of bananas and various other vegetables...
There were other stuff too, of course...

My family were thrilled by Far East Flora's cold room... LOL! It was a cool relieve from the day's trip! :p
Given a choice, they would not leave there till dinner time!
Parting shots:
Lavender plants in pots

Colourful chillies for the next New Year?

Wonder if they are edible...
That's all for the Rural Singapore Tour... Coming soon will be pictures of SBG! :)
Thanks for reading! :)
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Tour of 'Rural' Singapore...Part 2
A continuation from here.
Plenty of goats there... Spent money helping the Hays feed their lifestock... :p
We were also treated to a 'show' there... Keke... Which my sis loudly asked me to take a picture of... :p

After leaving Choa Chu Kang, we made our way to Lim Chu Kang, where we stop by at Teo's Aquatic Plant farm.
We were greeted by the chicken shit smell, which my sister just cannot stand initially! :p But by the time we returned to the car, they had totally forgotten about the smell... :p

My parents felt that the staff at Teo's were very friendly and they were fasinated by the water sprinkling around and the packing of the plants... No more pictures as I had been to this place so many times, I don't even think about taking pictures there! :p
After that, we proceeded to my sister's favourite stop (the only stop if she has a say! :p)
Hay's Goat Farm

Next, we went to the Dragon Fruit Farm right next door...
Dragon fruit 'trees'...

Dragon Fruit flowers

Ripe dragon fruits! :)

There was pots of nice flowers on sale too...

But couldn't buy... I was running low on cash and car space... LOL!... :p
There will be part 3... ;)
Steamy weekend...
And the case of the missing card reader...
Over the past weekend, my parents asked to be brought to the Singapore Botanical Gardens (SBG)... They said they had not been there for 20 years (or more) and would like to go look see since they will be free that day...
And so, with my sister refusing to budge out of her bed on a beautiful cooling Sunday morning, I drove my parents to SBG...
I never imagined that the parking facilities are so 'advanced' for a park... :p And so many people too... I like the parking charges... Only $0.02 per minute... Quite cool...
Anyway, it was a LONG walk thereafter... We walked from the Orchard emtrance ALMOST to the Bt Timah side... It had rained earlier in the morning, so it was cool, but it was DAMN humid, thus the steamy thingie... My tee was totally wet after we were back to the Taman Serasi Food Garden... And I had to bring along my DSLR too...
Anyway, I almost bought an S$80 orchid... SOooooo beautiful, the flowers... But then my mum reminded me of what a horrible orchid gardener I am and saved me the S$80... :p
I'll show pictures... But I somehow cannot find my card reader!... And thus cannot download the pictures from my CF card... It is not to be found anyway... Not in my office, not in my bags, not in my room, not around the house... Strange... This is a case of the mysterious missing card reader!... Seems like I have to buy meself another one... What a waste of money... Especially now when the road tax and the car insurance bill just reached me... My whole of May's pay will be going to these payments!...
So, till I get the new card reader!... :p I'll show the pictures of the flowers at SBG then... :) Maybe I should post the second part of my last rural Singapore tour first... :)
Thanks for reading...
Over the past weekend, my parents asked to be brought to the Singapore Botanical Gardens (SBG)... They said they had not been there for 20 years (or more) and would like to go look see since they will be free that day...
And so, with my sister refusing to budge out of her bed on a beautiful cooling Sunday morning, I drove my parents to SBG...
I never imagined that the parking facilities are so 'advanced' for a park... :p And so many people too... I like the parking charges... Only $0.02 per minute... Quite cool...
Anyway, it was a LONG walk thereafter... We walked from the Orchard emtrance ALMOST to the Bt Timah side... It had rained earlier in the morning, so it was cool, but it was DAMN humid, thus the steamy thingie... My tee was totally wet after we were back to the Taman Serasi Food Garden... And I had to bring along my DSLR too...
Anyway, I almost bought an S$80 orchid... SOooooo beautiful, the flowers... But then my mum reminded me of what a horrible orchid gardener I am and saved me the S$80... :p
I'll show pictures... But I somehow cannot find my card reader!... And thus cannot download the pictures from my CF card... It is not to be found anyway... Not in my office, not in my bags, not in my room, not around the house... Strange... This is a case of the mysterious missing card reader!... Seems like I have to buy meself another one... What a waste of money... Especially now when the road tax and the car insurance bill just reached me... My whole of May's pay will be going to these payments!...
So, till I get the new card reader!... :p I'll show the pictures of the flowers at SBG then... :) Maybe I should post the second part of my last rural Singapore tour first... :)
Thanks for reading...