Sunday, June 03, 2007
Aquarama 2007 - Part 1 - Behind the Scenes
The last weekend was fun!... :p Not just the fact that I finally can rest better but it was time for the once in 2 years exhibition, Aquarama, to finally happen. :)
As a moderator of AQ, I can go there during the trade days as a member of the press. :)
And so, I managed to capture some pictures before the general public join in the fun...
Queueing up for the registration
And the behind-the-screens people making sure the place is proper for the weekend...
Ok... that's all for the moment... I will post the pictures of the fish, exhibition stalls and the tanks in the subsequent posts... :)
Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Pictures of Singapore Botanical Gardens - Part 4 (Final)
The final installment of my last SBG trip... :p
And so we started the long way back to the carpark… :p
Where we say ‘someone’ cycling…
And on the swing…

And we saw people learning how to draw...

The old gentleman is the teacher, I think…
Nice man-made stream as we walk to the carpark…

Wish I have a garden big enough for a stream like that! :p
Some last pictures… We saw pitchers along the way down the stream…

Lastly, I find this cute…

Flowers with whiskers! Hee… :p 
Thanks for viewing! :)

Thanks for viewing! :)