Thursday, April 02, 2009
I am a procrastinating king...
Been putting off a lot of plans...
1) Re-potting my house plants
2) Clearing my tanks of algae
3) Work...
Especially for work... Sianz~
Been putting off a lot of plans...
1) Re-potting my house plants
2) Clearing my tanks of algae
3) Work...
Especially for work... Sianz~
Monday, March 02, 2009
Living the Singaporean dream?
Well... Over the weekend, I made an important purchase.
And with that purchase, I finally embarked on living the Singaporean dream... that is, owing the bank lots of money with my first 'C'...
I bought my first car.
Well, it is MY first car... Although I had been driving for many years, the family car was not registered in my name and this new one, will be under my name... And the down payment is a scary number...
So, here I am... a true blue Singaporean... Owning a 'C' and owing the bank lots of money... Yay~ :p
And this is the model I had just purchased...
And with that purchase, I finally embarked on living the Singaporean dream... that is, owing the bank lots of money with my first 'C'...
I bought my first car.
Well, it is MY first car... Although I had been driving for many years, the family car was not registered in my name and this new one, will be under my name... And the down payment is a scary number...
So, here I am... a true blue Singaporean... Owning a 'C' and owing the bank lots of money... Yay~ :p
And this is the model I had just purchased...
Friday, February 27, 2009
A rat and a cat
Sooooo in love eh?
Lovely... How I wish humans can be as tolerant...
Even an Oscar I had once kept some time back kept a feeder goldfish as a pet...
Lovely... How I wish humans can be as tolerant...
Even an Oscar I had once kept some time back kept a feeder goldfish as a pet...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Such a delight
Its nice to see a rainbow...
I think almost the whole of Singapore actually saw this yesterday...
It was a nice sight... especially after a bad day at work...
Its been the longest time since I had updated this blog... Hope I can move my butt to actually update this regularly... :p
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Long time no write!
It has been a LONG LONG time since I write...
First some updates: I think I had sort of settled down for my job... Still wondering if I am really doing the right job, though...
I had reduced the number of tanks I have now... by 1... :p
And I had expanded my terrestrial plant collection! :p
Oh... And I had acute gastric flu last night... Had to go to the toilet like 14, 15 times and became severly dehydrated... Body temperature went up and I can't walk about without feeling my tummy rumbling followed by a need to fun to the toilet to release watery loads again... *Sigh*
Ok... Enough of disgusting updates... I bought this fish like 1 month ago... Check it out... :)
Tateurndina ocellicauda, the rainbow sleeper goby:
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
OMG... I realised I had not touched this blog for months... :p

Been busy and tired and lazy... A big thank you for friends who keep reminding me I still have a blog... :p
I guess I better try to revive it... :p
Recently, my sister had her wedding... Think I can post some pics here... The rest on my tanks and such?... I can fill in later bah... :p
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Burnt out...
Recently, I had been vert unproductive at work... Desperately needing a break... Which fortunately, I am able to arrange, though not with the best arrangement... But I will be off from work fro 1-3 days a week this month...
Really sian... Somemore having some personal problems... And July is 'National Go Up Month'... :P Where everything is going up, up up... Want to use retail therapy also cannot...
Really sian... Somemore having some personal problems... And July is 'National Go Up Month'... :P Where everything is going up, up up... Want to use retail therapy also cannot...
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Aquarama 2007 - Part 1 - Behind the Scenes
The last weekend was fun!... :p Not just the fact that I finally can rest better but it was time for the once in 2 years exhibition, Aquarama, to finally happen. :)
As a moderator of AQ, I can go there during the trade days as a member of the press. :)
And so, I managed to capture some pictures before the general public join in the fun...
Queueing up for the registration
And the behind-the-screens people making sure the place is proper for the weekend...
Ok... that's all for the moment... I will post the pictures of the fish, exhibition stalls and the tanks in the subsequent posts... :)
Thanks for reading!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Pictures of Singapore Botanical Gardens - Part 4 (Final)
The final installment of my last SBG trip... :p
And so we started the long way back to the carpark… :p
Where we say ‘someone’ cycling…
And on the swing…

And we saw people learning how to draw...

The old gentleman is the teacher, I think…
Nice man-made stream as we walk to the carpark…

Wish I have a garden big enough for a stream like that! :p
Some last pictures… We saw pitchers along the way down the stream…

Lastly, I find this cute…

Flowers with whiskers! Hee… :p 
Thanks for viewing! :)

Thanks for viewing! :)
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Pictures of Singapore Botanical Gardens - Part 3
Decided to continue with the SBG pics first before I post the Aquarama ones... :p
I was wondering if ther are judging the plants for a competition or bidding for the plants... :p
This is beautiful…

I wanted to buy it, it is love at first sight! Haha… LOL! But the price scared me away… Hee… :p Then my mum says that if I am unable to get it to flower again once the present flowers died away, I should not bother to get new orchids… Let alone such an expensive one… Kekeke... Bless my mum for her foresight on my capability! LOL!
Anyway, there were also lots of jewel orchids on sale too… Another attempt to buy… But I decided to give them a miss… :p

So, to continue from here... As we walked on, we eventually reached the Visitors’ Center… I tell you, I had NEVER been to this part of SBG before… :p So, imagine my delight to find orchids on display and for sale…

This is beautiful…

But this is the most beautiful orchid I had ever seen!...

Anyway, there were also lots of jewel orchids on sale too… Another attempt to buy… But I decided to give them a miss… :p

Until my work schedule allows me to spend time on my plants, that is! Hee…
To be continued in a final installment... :) Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Pictures of Singapore Botanical Gardens - Part 2
Dilemma... Aquarama pics or SBG pics... :p
Since I started the SBG pics, I might as well post the SBG ones first...
And so, continuing from here, we walked on… till we reached the famous S$5 dollar tree…

And so walk on, we did… to see beautiful flowers along the way… such as this...

And Vanda ‘Miss Joaquim’, our National Flower. :)

We were also at the Cacti Gardens (or whatever the name… Cannot recall now :p)...
Nice aloe vera looking plant…

The quest for knowledge…

There are parts 3 and 4... Then it will be Aquarama pics... Or maybe I can alternate between the 2... :p
Friday, May 25, 2007
1) Aquarama is ok... Not as good as the previous years... But still ok... It was fun seeing the moderators again... And I still need to process the pictures! :p
2) I need a longer break!
3) The Town Council people and the contractor still had not send me the apology letters... Think they need another call...
4) I need a longer break!
5) I need more readership! And comments!
6) I need a longer break!
Anyway, check this out...
Seriously... I wonder how it can happen... *roll eyes*
2) I need a longer break!
3) The Town Council people and the contractor still had not send me the apology letters... Think they need another call...
4) I need a longer break!
5) I need more readership! And comments!
6) I need a longer break!
Anyway, check this out...
Seriously... I wonder how it can happen... *roll eyes*
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Pictures of Singapore Botanical Gardens - Part 1
Oops... Almost forgotten about this... :p
Aquarama is coming again... The once-in-2-years event is one of the, if not the, biggest fish show in the Asia Pacific region... And AQ will be documenting it on its first day, which is a trade day... Cos we have trade passes... Hee... :p And I can finally take a day's leave without feeling guilty of having important work not done... :p
So, before I get caught up with Aquarama pics, let me post up the almost forgotten photos I took when I was at the Singapore Botanica Gardens (SBG) as reported here... :p
Here goes...
To re-cap... Well, on the request of my mum, I brought her and my dad to the SBG. The weather was good and I need a break too and so off we went… We only managed to spend 2 hours there... But we had not walked together like that for a long time. My parents had not been there for like 20 years and the 2hr walk in SBG brought back memories for them…
But they did comment that the park looked different and was sad that some familiar features like the black swans (actually, was told they had been relocated to teh Bt Timah side, which was too far for us to walkto just to see them) and the plant clock were gone… I tell you, the weather is nice, not much sun, but it is DAMN humid… Haha… LOL! Man, this kind of walk is not for me… :p
We started our walk from the Visitors’ Carpark at the Taman Serasi Foodcourt. Where we saw tissue culture at work… :)

Outside the center, we saw lots of large pieces of driftwood there… And beautifully hand crafted…

Wish I have a tank big enough for them… Haha…
Next, we reach the first pond… Where the terrapins were happily swimming around…
A lonely fellow following us… :p

No real swans for me to take pictures of… The 2 white ones we saw at the other end of the pond mysteriously disappeared when we reached there… So, here are some substitutes… Heh… :p

Ok... That's all for now... Adding photos in Blogspot is quite troublesome... So, add others later... MAYBE after the Aquarama pics... Hee...
Thanks for reading...