Tuesday, February 28, 2006
My new 2ft tank
Over the past few weeks, I slowly set up this new tank.

It is 24" x 16" x 18" tall. Currently, it is filtered by a Eden501 and a HOT filter, which most likely I will remove once the cycling is done.
Plants inside include Blyxa japonica, Lobelia cardinalis, Hottonia palustris, Limnophila sessiflora, Pogostemon helferi, Ranunculus papulentus, Echinodoras tenellus and Elatine triandra.
Now it only has some cherry shrimps to help the cycling. I will add more cherry shrimps later and then add a couple of Bristlenoses and some Endler's Livebearers, which will be the main inhabitants.

It is 24" x 16" x 18" tall. Currently, it is filtered by a Eden501 and a HOT filter, which most likely I will remove once the cycling is done.
Plants inside include Blyxa japonica, Lobelia cardinalis, Hottonia palustris, Limnophila sessiflora, Pogostemon helferi, Ranunculus papulentus, Echinodoras tenellus and Elatine triandra.
Now it only has some cherry shrimps to help the cycling. I will add more cherry shrimps later and then add a couple of Bristlenoses and some Endler's Livebearers, which will be the main inhabitants.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
The sole fish
Saw this fish on sale at a market stall... It is sold as a freshwater fish... No idea how much it is. I didn't bother to ask...

But as I visit Turf City this evening, I realised its friends were not as lucky! A lot of sole are now in sale, but as seafood! And they are much bigger than the one above...
Saw them at Unique Seafood Market.
Known as the France Turbot...
They sure looked funny...

Saturday, February 25, 2006
Yamato shrimp
This is the famous Yamato Shrimp. Also known as Amano Shrimp, after the famous Mr Takashi Amano (my idol), who introduced the used of this shrimp for algae control. With the introduction of the shrimp, along comes other ornamental shrimps, mostly also for algae control, for the hobby.
This is not the best picture... If I can find a better pic, I will upload it. :) This one, by
the way, is a berried female. That means she is carrying eggs. :)
The eggs will hatch in freshwater but the larvae will only survive in brackish or salt water. There are some reports of minimal survival in freshwater, though... But I am not that interested in breeding them... Besides, now we are pampered with more colourful and smaller ornamental, algae control shrimps that can breed in freshwater! Why bother? :p

I am starting to be busy... But I also managed to take some time to consolidate some tanks and the process start 2 new tanks. I will probably start updating them soon!... :p
This is not the best picture... If I can find a better pic, I will upload it. :) This one, by
the way, is a berried female. That means she is carrying eggs. :)
The eggs will hatch in freshwater but the larvae will only survive in brackish or salt water. There are some reports of minimal survival in freshwater, though... But I am not that interested in breeding them... Besides, now we are pampered with more colourful and smaller ornamental, algae control shrimps that can breed in freshwater! Why bother? :p

I am starting to be busy... But I also managed to take some time to consolidate some tanks and the process start 2 new tanks. I will probably start updating them soon!... :p
Sunday, February 19, 2006
This is a skink. Apparently, a common creature here. A friend caught it in a carpark. I tell you, I had NEVER seen these beautiful animals. I had this for about 1-2 months and gave it up to another friend as I had not had the time to take care of it...

Oh, it shit a lot too! Haha...

Oh, it shit a lot too! Haha...
Friday, February 17, 2006
Horned snail
Cute little snail... :)

Eats green spot and brown algae VERY effectively. Problem is they lay sesame like eggs which stick to almost everything and difficult to scrape off. The eggs will hatch but the larvae will die as they need brackish or salt water to grow.
Eats green spot and brown algae VERY effectively. Problem is they lay sesame like eggs which stick to almost everything and difficult to scrape off. The eggs will hatch but the larvae will die as they need brackish or salt water to grow.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Black tetra
The black skirt or black widow or black tetra...

Looks gorgeous when young... But when adult size (~3"), the black colouration is less obvious and they become quite aggreesive... They are greedy feeders also. Oh, they spawn easily... Spawning almost monthly... But they had not done so after my re-scape... :/

Looks gorgeous when young... But when adult size (~3"), the black colouration is less obvious and they become quite aggreesive... They are greedy feeders also. Oh, they spawn easily... Spawning almost monthly... But they had not done so after my re-scape... :/
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Clown killie
This is a clown killifish. The males looks very pretty, with their tail displaying red and yellow...
Females are smaller and their tails are just plain transparent...

Females are smaller and their tails are just plain transparent...

Pardon this pic for being a little blur... :p
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Cherry Barb
This is a male cherry barb. They can get VERY red. Females are yellowish orange in colour.

Very pretty fish.

Very pretty fish.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Giving up...
I am giving up on some aspects of my hobby... :(
My work load might be picking up and the deaths of some of my precious animals are upsetting me quite a bit...
Think I will sell my hermit terrarium...
Lelong? :/
My work load might be picking up and the deaths of some of my precious animals are upsetting me quite a bit...
Think I will sell my hermit terrarium...
Lelong? :/
Had I shown this? :)

I will show more of such pics of my tanks and animals...

I will show more of such pics of my tanks and animals...
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Shopping spree... yet again!
Haiz... I went on a shopping spree for a couple of days earlier!! A friend and I went to Lim Chu Kang and Upper Thomson to look at some farms and fish shops... I think actually my friend wanted to buy stuff.... But I ended up getting quite a lot of plants and fish myself... And he didn't get much!
Then on another day, I went to Clementi and Jurong East, with the same friend... And no prizes for guessing... I ended up with a big piece of wood for my tank as well as some fish and plants - again...
Sheesh! And I need to order the new tank and get the lights for it within the next 2-3 weeks! I better check and pace myself! The way I am spending for my fishies... :p
Then on another day, I went to Clementi and Jurong East, with the same friend... And no prizes for guessing... I ended up with a big piece of wood for my tank as well as some fish and plants - again...
Sheesh! And I need to order the new tank and get the lights for it within the next 2-3 weeks! I better check and pace myself! The way I am spending for my fishies... :p
2 more died... :(
Wah, sianz siah...
1 more Chinese Fire Belly Newt died...
1 more Sultan Fish died...
The deaths GOT TO STOP!
I am VERY upset liao...
1 more Chinese Fire Belly Newt died...
1 more Sultan Fish died...
The deaths GOT TO STOP!
I am VERY upset liao...
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Like this?
I love this plant! Saw it at a tank at Teo's Plant Farm... I am wondering whether it is Ammannia gracillis... I have the A.gracillis at home and it is not THAT orangy red... This is SO pretty! :) My friend bought 3 stalks of the emersed form... It will convert to this in a couple of week's time... So envious! Haha...

And so I went shopping for plants and fish today again... Haha... :D

And so I went shopping for plants and fish today again... Haha... :D
Monday, February 06, 2006
Some animals died
Yeah... Some of my captive animals decide to call it a day and left me before the 15 days of CNY...
1) One of my beloved Chinese Fire Belly Newts went bellied up after I forgot to change water to clear the milky stuff in the water I mentioned earlier...
2) One of my big-eyed Sultan Fish (Ikan Jelawat) quit. It was the smallest of the group of 8... I had long suspected that it was being bullied and could not compete for food...
3) One of my hermits could not complete its molt properly and died. I think it was being pulled out by the bigger hermits. It lost the entire set of appendages on one side of its body... Can't help it by the time I saw it...
4) One of the fishies in the main tank also were spotted floating... It was a Congo tetra... Oh well, it had developed 'pop eye' before the CNY and was gasping... So I had expected it...
Aiyoh... No more ah!...
1) One of my beloved Chinese Fire Belly Newts went bellied up after I forgot to change water to clear the milky stuff in the water I mentioned earlier...
2) One of my big-eyed Sultan Fish (Ikan Jelawat) quit. It was the smallest of the group of 8... I had long suspected that it was being bullied and could not compete for food...
3) One of my hermits could not complete its molt properly and died. I think it was being pulled out by the bigger hermits. It lost the entire set of appendages on one side of its body... Can't help it by the time I saw it...
4) One of the fishies in the main tank also were spotted floating... It was a Congo tetra... Oh well, it had developed 'pop eye' before the CNY and was gasping... So I had expected it...
Aiyoh... No more ah!...
Look what I had found! :)
Heh heh... Now they have these capsules of figurines for fish keepers! :)
I've got 7 of these fish figurines now... :)

I've got 7 of these fish figurines now... :)

Friday, February 03, 2006
My new Endler's lifebearers
I got a pair of Endler's from Nature Aquarium...
A friend commented they might be hybrids mixed with wild guppies. I initially thought so too... Am now waiting for the female to get pregnant. If the babies produced are of similar colour and pattern, then the chances of them being hybrids are lower. Else...
Oh, well, they are pretty fish in their own right... Just that we should not encourage artificial hybridizations.
Oh, only the male Endler's are colourful Female Endler's are plain silverish grey...
Here they are...

A friend commented they might be hybrids mixed with wild guppies. I initially thought so too... Am now waiting for the female to get pregnant. If the babies produced are of similar colour and pattern, then the chances of them being hybrids are lower. Else...
Oh, well, they are pretty fish in their own right... Just that we should not encourage artificial hybridizations.
Oh, only the male Endler's are colourful Female Endler's are plain silverish grey...
Here they are...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006
When will the shops open??
Arrgh!... When will the fish shops be opened? My gobies dun seem to be interested in the dry food I placed in the tank... And the frozen 'boon' seem too small for them... I got to get some worms or brineshrimp for them soon!
And a strange white milky 'cloud' is appearing in the water of my temporary paludarium for my newts... Think my newts are shedding and the mucus they shed are causing the milkyness! Eww...
And a strange white milky 'cloud' is appearing in the water of my temporary paludarium for my newts... Think my newts are shedding and the mucus they shed are causing the milkyness! Eww...